Want to see more results from your go-to-market strategy? Ignore your "total addressable market" and focus all of your efforts on the people who are most likely to say yes!

That's what an ideal customer profile (ICP) is - it's the people most likely to say yes today. The process of creating your ICP can be difficult if you don't know where to start.

Our ICP Starter Toolkit includes everything you need to identify the people who are most likely to become a paying customer:

  • A full-length recording of our exclusive workshop that we run with founders to help them nail their ICP.

  • Step-by-step instructions to help you define your ICP.

  • GrowthX's own ICP template, which includes:

    • Detailed definitions and instructions for each part of the ICP;

    • A simple format for brainstorming an initial set of ICPs; and

    • A guide to validating and organizing each of your ICPs in detail.

Watch the ICP Workshop Now

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